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Lyle Zapato

The Imminent Threat Of Space Elevators

Lyle Zapato | 2004-07-05.8200 LMT | General Paranoia | NWO | Black Helicopters | Technology

Space has been in the news a lot lately, what with the recent photos from the Cassini probe and particularly the hype surrounding the allegedly first private spaceflight of SpaceShipOne. This can only mean one thing: a cover up.

As you no doubt know, since I explained it in my book, the so-called "space race" of the previous century was a NWO sham designed to reveal already existent space technology to the public while covering up its previous use for mind control, thereby allowing its even greater deployment for that use. Aluminum-based satellites have been in orbit since at least the mid-19th century, launched by giant cannons covertly built on equatorial islands, including the ill-fated one on Krakatoa (for a historical perspective, see Jules Verne's dramatized exposé From the Earth to the Moon). Moon bases have been established since the early 20th century, used both as platforms for mind control as well as manufacturing centers for products such as the psychotronically deflective orbs deployed by counter intelligence agents in discos during the 1970s (which, thanks to the low-gravity aluminum crystal growth that moon bases allowed, were markedly more effective than similar designs first developed in Rome in the Middle Ages).

So, the question is: What are they covering up now with this new private space race known as the X-Prize? What new space-based technologies are going to be "discovered" in the coming years as space is commercialized that have been used against us for decades?

One possibility for revelation is the technology required to build space elevators, which have been conveniently hyped in recent months for no apparent reason. A very strong and light material is needed to make the strand or band that the space elevator car will travel on. Popular opinion is that some form of carbon nanotubes will be used, although we officially lack the technology to manufacture them in sufficient quantity. However, the current states of classified nanobiotechnology and genetic engineering are certainly such that they could be used to produce mecha-organisms that will secrete large amounts of the substances. (In fact, this biosecretion technology has been in development, in secret, for centuries, ever since the Byzantines first started experimenting with mutant silk worms to produce flame resistant materials for their soldiers to wear while flinging Greek Fire at their enemies. Of course, the bioengineers of Byzantium lacked modern biological process control techniques that would allow them to direct the development and genetic alteration of the silk worms, so they never managed to develop space-elevator-capable materials of their own, thankfully.)

If I am correct in my suspicions, this portends a future where the technology behind black helicopters (which I first brought to light in the 1990s) will be even more widely used to subjugate humanity, replacing mind control with total nanobiological subversion.

End of post.