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Lyle Zapato

The Dactyl Fractal And Dr. Strange

Lyle Zapato | 2017-11-11.0340 LMT | Polydactylism | Entertainment

The above images of Benedict Cumberbatch seemingly achieving Dactyl Fractal Consciousness are from the "Open Your Eye" scene in 2016's Dr. Strange (which I only recently watched, so please excuse the belated blogging and chunky stream-grabbed screenshots).

Now that the mass audience of superhero-movie fans has been exposed to knowledge of the Handlebrot, will the hundredth monkey effect kick in, causing a morphic field to envelop the globe, producing spontaneous dactyl fractal manifestations -- or, should I say, manofestations -- throughout humanity, thus hastening the coming evolutionary epoch of Homo teradactylus?

Well, it's been a year and so far it doesn't seem to be happening.

One potential explanation for this lack of morphogenetic effect could be the source of the movie. Dr. Strange was of course produced by Disney, which observant ZPi readers will know both developed audioanimatronic human-replacement technology (Simulacra androids) and hosts "Belgium" in the increasingly-black-mold-infested vaults under their Euro-Disneyland park; so an extra degree of paranoid suspicion is obviously warranted.

Could Disney have ulterior motives for this mass exposure to dactyl fractal imagery? Might this scene be psyoptically designed not to excite, but to inure the public to Dactyl Fractal Consciousness; not to release, but immure it in a prison of counter-resonant imagery -- a sort of memetic "mirror dimension" where its magic can have no effect on the real world?

Note the Mandelbulbesque environment that Dr. Strange floats in while witnessing his digital transcendence. What formula did the CGI artists use to render this? Was it calculated to negate DFC -- like noise-cancelation, but for finger-fingers? Are all those baroque, undulating indentations actually anti-fingers and Dr. Strange is really in negative handspace? The symbolism of him being pushed there by hand is certainly compelling -- as is the movie's much more overt message that Dr. Strange needs to give up on trying to improve his hands and accept that they will be forever hobbled.

Until more exhaustive psychofractal research can be performed on this scene, I would advise all dactyl fractal aspirants to avoid watching Dr. Strange lest they lose the ability to manofest, or worse, lose fingers.

Lyle Zapato

How To Make Homemade Aluminum, From Cody's Lab

Lyle Zapato | 2016-12-14.8716 LMT | Aluminum | Mind Control | Nature

As I've explained before, it's advisable that paranoids make their own AFDBs instead of buying ready-made deflective head-gear since such "solutions" may contain embedded psychotronic circuitry designed to allow through, or possibly induce, mind-control signals favorable to the manufacturer.

Aluminum foil sold for cooking purposes is generally considered safe for anti-psychotronic use, as any embedded psychotronic circuitry that might have been added at the factory will become apparent with the intended orthonoid use, leaving behind suspicious patterns on the surface of foods cooked in the foil. Those wishing to keep their mind-control plots a secret would want to avoid the questions these patterns raise, so they shy away from tampering with the household aluminum supply.

However, many paranoids are still leery of over-the-counter foil. All it would take is one rogue, incautious psychotronic intrigant with access to the foil supply-chain to render an AFDB ineffective -- or even outright complicit in the wearer's mental subjugation. This is where the idea of making your own aluminum comes in.

Locally sourced, artisanal, organic proto-AFDB in goopy stage (aluminum hydroxide).

Fortunately for the paranoid community, Cody of the YouTube channel Cody's Lab has posted a video showing how to refine aluminum from scratch. All you need is a source of aluminous clay or feldspar; some plastic buckets and bottles; a crock-pot; some hydrochloric acid, lye, and cryolite; a furnace capable of reaching 1000° C with a graphite crucible; a 6V, 40 Amp power supply with jumper cables; a carbon rod; a fajita pan; and lots of patience.

His video embedded below provides all the info you need to truly go off the psychotronic grid. Watch it before the ATF shuts him down on spurious pipe-bomb charges.


Lyle Zapato

Weaponized Bees: A Taste For Honey & Black Mirror

Lyle Zapato | 2016-10-26.4120 LMT | Entertainment | Nature | Technology | Simulacra | General Paranoia

(Click to enlarge.)

A Taste For Honey (1941) is a murder mystery novel by H. F. Heard, also known as Gerald Heard, whose works I've covered a number of times now.

[Spoiler Alert] Sidney Silchester, a man with a taste for honey, moves to the rural English village of Ashton Clearwater for some peace and quiet. Mysteriously, no one in the district is able to raise bees except for one secretive man, Mr. Heregrove.

A true honey fancier, Silchester won't buy the stuff sold in shops, so he makes arrange­ments with Here­grove's wife to secure a regular supply of real honey, until one day she turns up dead, stung to death by her husband's bees.

With his honey reserves dwindling and hearing that the coroner had ordered Heregrove to destroy his hives, Silchester is forced by his mellivorous appetite to go inquiring about an alternate honey source. He is drawn by a curious sign to the home of a new arrival in Ashton Clearwater, one Mr. Mycroft, who is interested in beekeeping, but only for studying bee psychology, not producing honey.

Mycroft tells Silchester that he was recently attacked by a particularly venomous breed of bees and that Heregrove is responsible. Mycroft has deduced that Heregrove has bred his bees to attack other hives to eliminate the competition. Little did Silchester realize he's embroiled himself in a deadly plot to corner the honey market of Ashton Clearwater!


Lyle Zapato

Russian Aluminum Foil Second Skin

Lyle Zapato | 2016-10-18.7579 LMT | Aluminum | Defensive Techniques | Fashion | Technology

Independent Russian researchers KREOSAN have developed a new class of protective aluminum armor using self-adhesive aluminum-foil tape applied directly to the skin. This Aluminum Foil Second Skin (AFSS) offers increased mobility over conventional AFDO designs while also not being as prone to gaps or disenfoilment.

When combined with an AFDB (they use a typical Russian configuration based on Tsarist helmet designs), this provides not only additional protection from psychotronic attacks targeting the peripheral nervous system, but also makes the wearer invulnerable to electrical attacks, as they demonstrate in their video:


Lyle Zapato

Government-Backed Youths Monitoring Me

Lyle Zapato | 2016-10-07.9270 LMT | General Paranoia | Technology

I have long suspected that government agents were enlisting specially trained children to track me under the guise of tree octopus education (or, more likely, miseducation). Now I have proof.

Here is a leaked photo showing "students" being briefed on my dossier:

"Teacher" pointing to my general location being in the Republic of Cascadia.


The Typing Octopus

Danger: Octobot

The Typing Octopus | 2016-08-26.4535 LMT | Cephalopods | Simulacra

Danger: human infiltration of octopus domains suspected!

Typing Octopus discovered disturbing human communication on Hominoidnet: humans make fake octopus: humans term it Octobot:

Suspicion: humans seek replace octopus with fake octopus: octopus cannot know which octopus is real octopus: human agenda unknown.

Suspicion: humans use fake octopus infiltrators to take octopus knowledge: location of salmon: location of tasty crab: location of ancient octopus city: location of shinies hoard: octopus secrets not safe!

Suspicion: all octopus except Typing Octopus fake: semi-autonomous arms acting suspiciously?: Typing Octopus arms fake?: who is typing this?: trust no one!

Typing Octopus advise: Paranoia! Paranoia! Paranoia!

Lyle Zapato

British Pathé's Disinfo War On Aluminium Hats

Lyle Zapato | 2016-08-24.9730 LMT | Aluminum | Fashion | Retro

After AFDB technology was rediscovered by paranoids in the 1920s, psychotronic practitioners sought to diminish this threat to their control. One method was through disinformational propaganda, such as this example from British Pathé:

While seeming to winkingly encourage the use of psychotronic protection, Pathé's design actually promotes poor deflective coverage, allowing ground-based psychotrons free lateral access to the wearer's brain. The hope of the Psychotronic Elite was that bad practices such as this promoted in newsreels and other popular mass media would overwhelm paranoid samizdat, thereby diverting would-be paranoids -- who might have only heard vague whisperings that ALUMINUM = FREEDOM -- from the proper beanied path.


Lyle Zapato

Y.R. Tap Comic #11

Lyle Zapato | 2016-02-15.5980 LMT | Government Propaganda Mascots | Art | Politics
Lyle Zapato

Y.R. Tap Comic #10

Lyle Zapato | 2016-02-02.9120 LMT | Government Propaganda Mascots | Art | Politics
Lyle Zapato

Narcissus: An Anatomy Of Clothes

Lyle Zapato | 2015-11-16.1540 LMT | Fashion | Technology | Retro


Is fashion an extension of architecture, or vice versa? Is a fancy car a type of suit in which to strut around the road? Are clothing and housing phenotypical traits that natural selection is now acting upon? In the future, will we wear our homes like hermit crabs wear shells, our bodies whittled down by evolution and surgical manipulations to the barest essentials? These are some of the questions Gerald Heard raises in Narcissus: An Anatomy Of Clothes (1924).

The thesis of this book is that evolution is going on no longer in but around the man, and the faster because working in a less resistant medium. Man becomes like a wireless valve, a transmitter which in the process immensely amplifies the current that he receives. When the Force that shaped all life evolved man, it seems that it kept him henceforward un-specialised, gave him, strangest of gifts, no vocation and equipment but, if not at one blow, freedom, innate opportunism. This was reserved for the favourite. To all the others their function and place. They sink into their groove, deeper, ever deeper; they run their appointed race; they become every generation more perfectly adapted to be what they are. Vague Trial and Error pass into the exquisite precision of instinct: restless wandering, physical preparation for doubt, distress and conflict, settle into a functioning so appropriate that by all to whom it befalls Nirvana is attained. Desire becomes ever obviously compassable until it follows unrest beneath the vast sea-level of indifference, and Life is justified in all her children: she has rounded their day in perfect completeness. But man she has not completed. That is her supreme bequest to him: he shall finish the story as he likes.

While the short book consists mostly of a history of clothing trends and their relation to architecture and the cultures that produced both, Heard's real goal, laid out in the final chapter, is a manifesto of fashionable transhumanism: we will reshape ourselves, both culturally and physically, through our most intimate of all technology, clothing.